SAGE has purpose of highlighting performance level-subject wise

and at School, Taluka, District, and State Level for all schools. The SAGE Solution is implemented on a large-scale to assess students at K2-to-K8 levels. It is an assessment process that tests students on different Scholastic and Co-Scholastic parameters. The target audience - for the overall improvement in learning levels, are Government Policy-makers, School- Management, State Education Bodies, Faculties/Teachers, besides Students and Parents.

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    The target audience - for the overall improvement in learning levels, are Government Policy-makers, School- Management, State Education Bodies, Faculties/Teachers, besides Students and Parents.

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    The scientifically designed Assessment Process strives to test KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, CONCEPTS as well as ACADEMIC and SOCIAL SKILLS. Rather than testing rote learning.

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    It focuses on measuring how well these parameters underlying the school syllabus have been imbibed by the student

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    The SAGE program shall not only provide detailed ‘data and information’ on ‘strengths and weaknesses’ of individual students for these domains, but also firmly points out the specific areas of improvement for teachers as well as Administrators and Policy-makers.

Main objectives of this mission made project are

  • To bring awareness among teachers, students, administrators, communities & stakeholders for quality education.
  • To address gaps in achieving learning outcomes and to acknowledge achievement.
  • To ensure the enhancement of reading, writing, numerical, scientific temper and social skills for all children studying in class 2 to class 5.
  • To assess quality based classroom teaching-learning processes followed in schools.
  • To ensure the enhancement of subject knowledge for all children studying in middle schools (Std 6 to 8).
  • To track the children based on learning outcome levels and identify focus areas for remedial action.