What is LOBA

LOBA is a Solution implemented on a large-scale to assess students at K2-to-K8 levels.

LOBA is a process that involves the restructuring of curriculum, assessment and reporting practices in education to reflect the achievement of high order learning and mastery rather than the accumulation of course credits. An expected learning outcome is a formal statement of what students are expected to learn in a course. Expected learning outcome statements refer to specific knowledge, practical skills, areas of professional development, attitudes, higher-order thinking skills etc.

A student’s grade is determined by how many learning objectives a student has demonstrated proficiency in. Each learning objective will be assessed at least twice in class, but students are allowed to be reassessed outside of class as often as they need to, until they have mastered the particular skill.

Steps of

Identify Learning Outcomes

These are the important knowledge, skills, modes of thinking, or values. This process may entail a review of your program mission, goals, disciplinary norms. The most important source of learning outcomes must be the faculty within that program.

Identify Evidence

What information can you gather to determine whether your students are learning what you want them to? There are many forms of evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, and approaches to evidence vary by discipline.

Assess the Evidence

How well are your students mastering the important outcomes for your program? Once types of evidence are identified and collected for each learning outcome, you must be use this evidence to uncover strengths or weaknesses in your program.

Make Changes if Needed

The whole point of this exercise is to improve, so we must learn from the evidence we gather and change our programs where necessary. Most program modifications will be curricular in nature, involving changes to the courses or structures of academic programs.