Why Choose Us?

Which can provide ease of

Conduction of a mass-driven examination.
Lesser administrative tasks for the coordinators.
Enhances a timely release of examination result.
More secure as the system includes biometric fingerprint authentication, picture capture and data encryption and decryption.


EON Digital Exams is a highly secure platform for conducting CBT Online Examinations. The platform uses the latest technologies and security features deployed in a highly secure zone. The platform is audited regularly by external independent auditors of certifying agencies. We follow all International standard security protocol in our Data centers, software processes etc.

Our solution provides following features when it comes to Computer Based Test :

Web Portal Development

Development of Online Application and Exam Fee Management System

Admit Card generation

CBT Examination(Computer Based Online Test)

Online creation and delivery of Question Papers

Biometric capture and verification

Post Examination Management and Result processing

Grievance Management System