Nysa is well establishes in the conduction of popular competitive exams and Olympiads for assisting development of competitive spirit among school children.

Competitive Exam and Olympiad’s

In recent decades India has made significant progress on access to schooling and enrollment rates in primary education but dropout rates and low levels of learning remain challenges for the state and central government. But India here have opportunities to learn from the successes and failures in the education system and to collaborate in tackling shared challenges,


Create an awareness among the students of private schools in the field of Science and Technology.

Assess the student’s knowledge alignment.

Encourage the hidden talents and will act as a platform to perform.

This will act as a meeting place of the brightest young minds of the world.

CSIR will receive a recognition for taking an initiative to promote and upturn the future technologists.

Provide a stimulus to begin a career in Science or IT, to undertake a lifelong journey into the realms of exciting intellectual challenges.

Evaluation of Education Activities.

Create awareness amongst teachers, parents and students.


India here have opportunities to learn from the successes and failures in the education system and to collaborate in tackling shared challenges, such as the best use of technology in primary education. The world is totally pivoted on science and IT, it is pertinent to think and plan about the future. Regular qualitative and quantitative assessment needs to be done at the national/international level in order to build up the scientific and IT talent pool.

NYSA’s Solution

We are backed by the team of leading academicians, evangelists and experienced facilitators with the aim of promoting science, mathematics, computer education, English, General Knowledge and professional courses. We have been striving for promote scientific attitude and temperament through innovative activities and use of IT in learning process that involve school students across the country.

Target Market