Exam Conduction

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    Exam Centre audit before examination

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    Deputing the requisite technical manpower as well as security personal for smooth conduction of examination by adhering the defined set of rules (Paper Work).

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    Arrange for a space with double lockersfor storing and dispatching of Question Papers & OMR Answer Sheets in each district / centre.

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    Biometric and webcam (digital photo) registration prior to the start of examination at exam venues for exam.

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    Printing and distribution of physical hardcopy of OMR based attendance sheets and other documents at exam venue.

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    Remote Proctoring (Image capturing/ Video streaming)

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    Escorting and delivery of the sealed trunk (Exam Material)

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    the respective venue after conduction of exam.

Pre Examination Process

  • Designing and hosting the Online Registration Portal (Website) with a guaranteeduptime of 99.99% for various admissions.
  • Receipt of Applications in online mode and integration with bank(s) payment gateway as recognized by RBI.
  • Technical Helpdesk (Tele support) and Email/SMS support throughout the entire project duration to solve the candidates queries related to registration &examination.
  • Provide an admin dashboard access to department of daily monitoring of the applications / payment status.
  • Online query interface for the assistance of applicants and department.
  • Generation and online uploading of Admit Cards. SMS /Email alerts for information from time to time on the registered mobiles of the applicants.
  • Test Centres establishment and its management for exams.
  • Deputing the requisite manpower for smooth administration of examination.
  • Designing, Printing and supply of OMR Answer Sheets.
  • Preparation/Supply of Test content (Question Paper) in multiple sets with backup arrangements.
  • Printing and packing of the confidential material and required reports, along with OMR Answer Sheets, as per the standards stipulated by the department.
  • Packing and delivery of the Confidential Material (via GPS enabled vehicle for tracking) at the centres at the designated date and time.

Post Examination Process

  • Scanning of the OMR Answer Sheets and Data Processing (Evaluation and Result Generation) under CC TV surveillance at desired location.
  • Providing the entire data in the desired format to the department for its record and also for publishing the results online on the Portal.
  • Objection/Re-evaluation request management through online interface.
  • Biometric and digital photo authentication of the candidates at the time of admission.
  • Support in addressing RTI queries by providing required data and man power even after completion of task.