For your great surprise, we are offering three free online mock test for all competitive exams.

Practice mock at free of cost for three times per user, Soon grasp this fruitful opportunity!!

All the mock test papers are composed with exact questions of all sections asked in reference to previous year question papers and latest updated exam pattern, hence one can enhance their skill in any section with our mock test online.

Original exam pattern is strictly followed along with easy answering and with easy accessing facilities in our Online Mock Tests, so that student can feel free and easy to attend your Final actual competitive examination without any fear & tension. Students can acquire clear idea about latest exam pattern, accurate syllabus and marking scheme for each examination.

Salient features from Quik Exam to help you
correct mock exams


Online mock tests saves the trouble of commuting to and fro the exam center. The candidates can schedule their test and give it at their home.


Instant Result

Online Mock test gives immediate result, hence enhancing effective learning.


Spontaneous Feedback

Online mock test, along with giving instantaneous result also gives instant feedback. Hence the candidate can save time by just seeing the explanations.



Unlike traditional mock test, candidate can retake the same mock test again and again and Instant result and feedbacks accelerate students to their goal and builds confidence.


Knowledge Alignment

Online mock test tells candidate where they stand among others nationally or internationally. Also it motivates candidate to compete in National and International Olympiads.


Time Management

Online test helps the candidate to keep the track of the time to complete an exam and makes them ready to manage their time in attempting the main exam.


Pool of Exams

Candidate can prepare for multiple exams and can test their caliber by appearing different mock exams from different institutes.